Tuesday 29 September 2015

28th of September 2015 - Finishing the Rainbow Serpent and starting with shopping for a school camp

As usually we started this lesson with our good morning conversation and I held the conversation with about 9 kids because in the lesson before, my teaching partner let the paper circulate around the class asking them to tick their names if they were ready. And they were! All of them did great. I recorded them because there's no way I could have remembered how each one of them did.

We sang our new song to the main teacher and then I introduced today's topic to the class.

I told them, that if they had really listened passively to the "shopping for a school camp" text, they would be able to read the text with me. I handed out the following documents:
Shopping for a school camp - clozes

As soon as they got it they started filling in the gaps so I had to stop them because that was not what I wanted them to do. I asked them to read the text out loud along with me and I started straight away. I read the text and almost all of them could follow me without having the nouns in their text. So they really did listen to it passively. YAY!

I told them, that as soon as I would leave the room to record the last group that they should work in pairs and read the text to each other. The one reading should have the cloze in his/her hand and the other one should read the complete text and count the times he/she had to help the other. The main teacher told me that she'd put them into pairs.

So it was time now to finish our Rainbow Serpent project. The boy who was ill on Friday read part of his story to the class and just like all the others, he did great! We left the class room and recorded the last story in the separate room. Here's the recording:
Story 6 - A new flower comes to the mountain

Isn't it great!!

Coming back to the room, two of them read the text to each other and I had one of them read to me. He read it so fluently like you'd never think that he was reading from a cloze. Just once he read "people" instead of "children" but that made perfect sense.

After reading, they had to tell me how many mistakes they made and most of them had 0 to 1. About 4 had 2-4 and two of them had a lot more but admitted that they didn't really listen to it more than may be twice... But maybe that's exactly that they need... So they'll get another chance on Friday and after that, we'll have a two weeks break anyway. But I'm really looking forward working with this text, now they really seem to have initialised it so well :-)

So now that I had all the recordings I finished my evaluation table and created a serial letter in Word in form of a CD cover. It took me a while to figure out how I could format numbers in the Word document so I didn't get those 98.0153156813216846513% but just before becoming mad I found a instruction in the Internet...

So this is how it looks:
CD Cover with Reading Results

Now on Thursday they'll all get their personal CD Cover and can fold it just like I did on those pictures:

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