Sunday 13 September 2015

10th of September 2015 - the next music lesson

So on Thursday morning the kids took a test about a Religion and Culture topic we worked on over the last 2 weeks and the rest of the double lesson we worked on a new song.

So again I decoded the song text and introduced it to the class but this time we went through the text a lot faster than with the "viva la vida" text. I read it once and had the class repeat after me. This we did for each verse and then we sang it a few times very slowly. Then we looked at the translation to see, if they understood what it meant in German. The first verse you really have to interpret what it could mean and I want to do this next week, when we have two whole lessons to work on it. I just wanted the kids to have fun singing this time. And they did. But we looked at the second verse since that one is quiet easy to understand. After we got through the whole song we sang it a couple of times and the kids thought it was fun!

So here's the song: Avicii - The nights

Then we tried to sing it along with the original but it's so deep... (with my guitar I can play it in a higher tune) and it's still way too fast. But I still wanted them to know what the aim was ;-)

We still had another 15 minutes left and I didn't want them to get tired of this new song and so I handed out the lyrics of the next song: James Bay - Hold back the river
With this song, we just looked at the first verse and the chorus and talked about the translation and what the singer wants to say with it. Then we sang it along with the CD once and the lesson was finished.

I just want to add an experience I had with these two songs. I really started realising, that you cannot take the lyrics you find in the Internet for granted.

In the Avicii text for example it said the following.. "think of me as forever your faith???" What's this supposed to mean? And you really can hear that it's the wild heart not the wild lift that will live for younger days...
Your wild life will live for younger days
Think of me as forever your faith

And the James Bay text was even worse... Well he definitely doesn't sing "but think that I should have been"... But I have to admit, I don't really understand him neither and so I decided to go for "those days that I should have been" because at least it makes sense and it sounds like "those" and "day" but "those day" is not correct English?!? If anyone reading this blog understands him, than please let me know ;-)

Tried to square not being there
But think that I should have been

But the beginning of the next verse is quite funny... It does sound right... But does it make sense? So I went for "once upon a different life"

Once upon a dear friend, life 

I realised how important it is to read the lyrics along with the song first because those lyrics in the Internet are not always right...

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