Tuesday 9 February 2016

4th of February 2016 - another animal game

Since I made this lesson on a Thursday, I was alone with the class and this is quiet a challenge with this one boy that's freed of learning targets.

First I introduced the last topic of the question booklet to them -  the negative questions. But I did that very briefly because I'm not going to put it in the test since we won't have any time to work on them on Friday and on Monday there will be their question test. So we just did the exercise together.

Than we chanted the "things you have to do" together and I mainly helped this boy to keep up with the audio. After that I asked the class do discuss with their neighbours what they had to do and what their parents, friends, neighbours had to do. I tried to find a mix between walking through the class and helping this boy but that was rather difficult.

After that, we played another animal game. I had the same expressions on the blackboard again:

"as large as"/"larger than"/"smaller than"
"as much as"/"more than"/"less than"
"as fast as"/"faster than"/"slower than"
"as long as"/"longer than"/ "less long than"

And I asked them to figure out what we needed before that to formulate a question. This time they were not the animals themselves but the had the animals as pet. So we needed third person singular...

Is it ...
Does it weigh ...
Is it ...
Does it live ...

This time the game was not as satisfying as the first time because I was sitting next to this boy and helping him to formulate and answer questions so I couldn't really watch the rest of the class and way too soon the first boy was finishes and I knew that he didn't questions us (me and this boy) at all. So what they did was not only asking those questions to a couple of kids but trying to copy names from their lists too. Well the lesson was about finished and I didn't want to bother playing it again.

Last but not least I gave them back their memory stick and each of them had the following four files in a folder:
  1. Recording as MP3
  2. Recording as MPEG4
  3. Their English text normal
  4. Their English text with 2.5 line spacing
I had printed out their texts with the 2.5 line spacing and went through the class asking them to share with the others, how many pages they had. This I did to show some of them, that they had way too much text! Some of them had 1 page and about two lines on the second page and others had 4 pages.

So homework till next Thursday was to read the text partly along with their original German text, highlight those English words they did not understand and spend 20min with any translating tool (dictionary, leo ...) to look up as many words as possible.

So just a quick outlook on the last three English lessons of this term: Tomorrow there will be their Unit 2 test, Monday there will be their question test and on Thursday there will be there Young Learners Placement test. Well at least that one will be fun. They don't know this yet and they don't have to prepare for that. That's just for me. I meant to listen actively to some of those texts from Unit 3 but I'll do this at the beginning of next term. It's just too much at the moment...

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