Monday 10 August 2015

Used literature

List of References:

Birkenbihl, Vera F. (2011a): Sprachenlernen leichtgemacht! Die Birkenbihl-Methode Fremdsprachen zu lernen. 34., komplett überarbeitete Auflage. München: mvg Verlag.
 (Language learning made easy! The Birkenbihl-Method of learning a foreign language)

Birkenbihl, Vera F. (2011b)   : Trotzdem LEHREN. 5. Auflage. München: mvg Verlag.
 (TEACH anyway)

Birkenbihl, Vera F. (2012). Jungen und Mädchen: wie sie lernen. 6. Auflage. Bergisch Gladbach:
Breuer & Wardin
(Boys and Girls: how they learn)

Holenstein, Karin (2013): Gehirn-gerechtes Sprachenlernen. Die Birkenbihl-Methode im Sprachunterricht. 1. Auflage. Bern: hep verlag ag.
 (brain-friendly language learning. The Birkenbihl-Method in the language education)

Spratt Mary / Pulverness Alan / Williams Melanie (2014): The TKT Teaching Knowledge Test - Course Modules 1, 2 and 3. 2nd Edition. Cambridge University Press

(The grey and cursive translations are not names of English books. They are just there so that my English-speaking readers know what the title of the books are about. I'm reading them in German)

I have four main books I want to be using as theoretical background of my action research.
  • Three books are from Vera F. Birkenbihl. She is an absolute expert in brain-friendly learning and illustrates impressively how learning can be fun and sustainable at the same time. I will write a lot more about her as a go along. 
  • One book is from Karin Holenstein. She is a very experienced teacher herself and has lots of ideas of how to apply the Birkenbihl-Method successfully to primary school. She writes her book from the perspective of a primary teacher, a mother of primary students and a language coach.
  • And the last one is the course book we have used at the University of Education Zurich. 
  • I'll probably amend this list with another book about action research but I'm not quiet sure which one to use. 
I'll start with Karin Holenstein's book, since she gives an inside into the two books from Vera F. Birkenbihl as well. From her book I'll have lots to use straight away when class starts next week.

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