Tuesday 26 January 2016

25th of January - Question Drill - things you have to do.

Question Drill
We started our lesson with another question drill. This time it was about formulating questions to given answers. I had prepared the following answers:
  • Yes, I like dancing.
  • No, we are not from Germany.
  • Yes, you look good in this dress.
  • No, I am not worried about the test. 
  • Yes, I would like to play soccer this afternoon. 
  • No, he is not in my house.
  • Yes, he goes to school. 
  • No she does not like chocolate.
  • Yes, you must do this. 
  • No, you aren't a good team. 
  • Yes, he wants more.
  • No, you are not good enough.
  • Yes, I would like to come to your party.
  • No she doesn't like animals. 
  • Yes, you have to clean your room. 
  • No, my car isn't dirty.
So I read each one out loud and picked kids to give me the question. Even though I only picked each child once, they all raised their hands as soon as they knew the question. Because I'm still counting the numbers of where their flag is at the end of the lesson. I have to admit that I was quiet amazed how well they did. They got most forms correctly using either the auxiliary verb or the "to do". When it came to "my house" or "your party" I pointed at me or them so the realised that they needed to ask for "your house" and "my party". For a homework they got page -7- of their question book incl. correcting it.

have to
Then we chanted the "things we have to do" from the Young World Pupils book. I interrupted them after a few lines and asked them to speak louder and they did. After that they made an exercise in the Activity Book about "have to" where they had to formulate sentence with "I have to...", "My teacher has to..." and so on.

Then I put them in pairs and asked them to interview each other. "Do you have to brush your teeth?" - "Yes I have to brush my teeth." / "Do you have to wash the dishes?" - "No I don't have to wash the dishes." That way the practised asking questions and using the have to. They did great and there was a lot of English speaking going on in the classroom. I walked by the desks and gave them thumbs up after overhearing their conversation so they could raise their flags.

Then I wanted to hear a sentence each about things they had to do.

For the last 10 minutes of the lesson I handed out some papers and asked them to write as many sentences as they could, without looking at the examples in the Young World, about what they had to do, what their parents have to do, their pets have to do, their siblings have to do etc. I told them that I would give each of them an individual feedback about it, so they knew what they have to be careful with.

Right before the lesson ended, I collected these papers and looked at them at home. They did really good. There were very few errors where they tried to use the continuous forms of the verb like "My pet has to going..." I'll point that out on Friday... With the pet, some used the word "food" as "to eat" and some as "to feed" so I will point that out as well. Very, very few forgot the "has" at 3rd person singular. Actually the mistake that was done the most were the possessive determiners. They heard the "brush my teeth" and wanted to use this with their sisters, their parents but didn't know the "her" or "their". So this will definitely be worth looking at with the class.

Friday 22 January 2016

8th of January 2016 - 22nd of January - several lessons

OK, I got a little behind in writing about my English lessons in those two weeks and I try to remember as much as I can by writing a summary about them. They won't be as detailed as they usually are but I'll have the most important parts in there. I won't sort them by date but by topic to make it easier to follow.

Animal - Presentation
Friday, 8th of January - I went with the class into the computer room to introduce the google translate to them but this was nightmare and I would never do it this way again. Allowing them to write a German text first made everything way more complicated out of the following reasons:
  • They could easily copy-paste texts out of the wikipedia in order to make their texts long enough so that some of them turned out to be way to long. Some texts even had those wikipedia links in it... 
  • Well google only works, if you enter easy sentences. With those complicated sentences that the kids sometime took out of what ever pages they had found, google was just creating horribly wrong sentences with way to complicated words in it. 
  • Another issue was their spelling. The ones that wrote their texts on their own usually made some spelling mistakes which google could not translate. So what google did was to translate part of the sentence, add the original "unknown" word, and translate the rest of the sentence. So it's pretty clear, that those translations didn't turn out like they should have.
  • Many realised by reading through the text, that they misspelled a word and just translated that single word in google which made the sentence even worse. Instead of translating the whole sentence again.
So I made these points clear to the class and announced that we would be in the media room again on Monday 11th and that they should have decent German texts ready by then. One boy (as usually) had been finished with the English text already because he did it at home or had it done by his sister or parents... So it was not really as successful as I hoped it would be.

Monday,  11th of January - Again I gave them time to work on their presentation in the media room. They had to make sure to have their texts on the USB Stick to work on at home and to have all pictures printed out that they wanted to have on their posters. The boy who was finished helped the others like all the other kids that finished their texts. By Friday I wanted them to give me all their memory sticks with the English and the German text on.

Friday,  15th of January - The kids worked on their posters. Even though they only had to fill in this fact sheet, glue some pictures on it, and write the name of the animal they didn't manage to finish the poster in that lesson.

Monday, 18th of January - I gave them 15 more minutes to finish the poster and copied them all down to a A6 size.

Friday, 22nd of January - I just handed back those A6 Posters to the kids and they had to formulate a few sentences about the size, speed, weight and live expectancy of their animals.

I realised that I would never ever get them to do the presentation before the winter break and so I announced on one of those days, that I would go over their texts and have them recorded by a native English speaking person and that they would have enough time to practise their texts, since the presentations would not take place before break.

In the meantime I had help from a true angel!!! Kate, our au-pair from the US went through those English texts and turned them into real English texts, taking out all the bad language that google translate had come up with. I have no idea how I would have managed to do that without help. So this is a lesson that I have learnt. I could not do this with long, complicated texts like that. Well on the aims that I have given the students at the beginning of this project I wrote that they were supposed to write a SIMPLE German texts and I think it would have worked with this simple text but since I kind of lost track on what the kids did and since I let them use the computer it all went wrong. So next time I would allow them to research in the internet but then write their own easy sentences in handwriting making sure that they could not just copy. Or I would provide them with lots of chunks in English and had them try to write the presentation in English right from the start.

What we still have to do is to record those presentations and I planned to decode them all. But I have to admit that I don't know when I'm supposed to do that. But it's still my aim because I think that it is really necessary that they understand their speeches... But I might just get them to do this themselves in another Thursday lesson. I could prepare their texts with very wide line spacing and let them find the words they don't understand themselves because it would take me forever to do all those texts myself.

I'll keep this short because I pretty much followed my schedule about the questions the way I wrote it in one of my last posts. Always on Monday I introduced a new topic, gave them homework for Friday and made some sort of drill where they all had to use the practised topic. I started having some doubt about the effectivity of this way of learning when another teacher told me that they were having difficulties completing their homework but then I was highly surprised how well they did in class. I think the issue with the 3rd person singular was probably the most difficult for them. I'm curious about how they will do next Monday when I test them.

"Have to do" something
We chanted the "things you have to do" several times at the beginning of the lessons and most of the times I made them use the "have to" with their own duties.

Listening comprehension
I made another listening comprehension with the class about one chapter in the book we are reading in German. This time I didn't give them three possible answers but a statement they had to judge with true, false, not in the text. I don't have the book with me at the moment, but I will insert a picture of the chapter when I'm at home. I let them read through the questions and clarify vocabulary. They had become great in asking for vocabulary clarification and I don't even have to remind them to ask in English. I explained the unknown words with other words until they could tell what it meant. Then I read the text twice. The first time rather slowly and the second time in a normal pace. When I corrected the test I realised, that most of my statements were wrong or not in the text. I will make sure next time, that that there are more true sentences too.

Monday 4 January 2016

4th of January 2016 - listening grade, question drill, working on texts

First of all:

At the beginning of lesson, I announced, that I'll have a class list ready where every child could write down the number they reach on their flagpole by the end of every lesson. I will count all those numbers together and that they will influence their speaking grade.

QUESTION DRILL (Preparation)
I felt sooo bad after the last English lesson, when I confused them a lot with my flow chart. Now I adapted the flow chart. So here is the question flow chart we work with until the winter break. I stopped counting how many times I have actually changed it over the holidays. The last change was made this morning around 4 o'clock ;-) I reduced the auxiliary words I expect them to know down to:
  • be
  • can + could
  • must
  • will + would 
I also left all the question words and the past tense away although I didn't delete the "was and were"...
Instead of writing "use the auxiliary verb" and "use the "to do"" I made that clearer by writing "SWAP auxiliary verb and subject" and "ADD do or does". Instead of the "did" I made a separate colon for the 3rd person singular and I added the negative question form.

This flow chart became the cover of the following booklet I printed as brochure and stapled it together. With this booklet, I'll go through all the different cases step by step... My time plan till the holidays is the following:

Mo 4. January
Q Drill – Auxiliary verbs 1
Fr 8. January
Q Drill – Auxiliary verbs 2
Mo 11. January
QD – Main verbs 2
Fr 15. January
QD – Main verbs 2
Mo 18. January
QD – Mixed 1
Fr 22. January
QD – Mixed 2
Mo 25. January
QD – Answers 1
Fr 29. January
QD – Answers 2
Mo 1. February
QD – Scrambled Sentences
Fr 5. February
QD – Negative Questions
Mo 8. February
Question Test
The first four weeks, I want to use some time on Monday to introduce the topic (like today), give them a few exercises to that topic for a homework till Friday and then play some game on Friday...

QUESTION DRILL (today's lesson)
I handed out strips of paper with the following statements on:
I copied the sentences three times on A3 and cut them into strips. Each child got one strip and I asked them to take out their scissors and cut off words in order to be able to make questions out of it. While walking through the class, I realised that at least half the students made a cut between all the words but some of them realised, that they only needed to cut off the first two words and swap them.

Even though I saw that some kids had it wrong I stopped them and started... Since they all wanted to raise their flag I didn't have trouble getting volunteers to tell me their answer. So the first two I had to guide a little, to get what I wanted: "The statement was 'we are on time' and the question is 'are we on time?'" - "What did you do" - "I swapped the 'are' and the 'we'" - All the students had to give me this answer and all of them could raise their flag. Funnily, those who got it wrong before we started realised pretty fast, what they had gotten wrong and changed it before I called on them.

I think they really got it this time and they had fun doing this. What a relief after the last lesson's disaster. So I gave them the exercises 1-4 on pages 2-3 in their question booklet for a homework. I'll think of a game to play with them on Friday so they can show what they have learnt.

It took me a little longer to get through the questions than I thought but I think it was well worth it. So they had about 20 minutes left to work on their texts. Since they were all in different stages, I asked those who said, that they had finished their German texts to get together in pairs and read the texts to their classmate who should take the time AND check if he or she had covered all the required information. All the others could work on their texts. It took non of the kids who thought that they had finished longer than two minuted to read their German texts and I made clear to them, that I wanted them to speak for at least four minutes in English and didn't accept a two minutes speech and two minutes of goofing off and just showing pictures. Of course they won't talk as fast in English as in German but they will need at least a three minute long German text.

I planned to ask them to finish their German texts by Friday but felt bad because they didn't get too much time today. So I told them, that they would get about 30minutes on Thursday to work on their texts but that they needed to be finished by Friday. So their homework was to get their texts far enough to be able to finish them on Thursday. This homework includes to read it at least once to their parent, siblings, pets or whoever - taking the time.

I thought a lot about how to translate those texts in English and I want to avoid frustration and wasting too much time because really my main aim is that they can hold a presentation about their animal and that we have 17 different animals with different sizes, speeds etc. to compare in class initialising the grammar section of this unit. Plus I want them to have their recordings for at least two weeks before having their presentation.
So I thought about what I would do if I had to translate a text into a different language that I had a German version of. I would put it into https://translate.google.ch/?hl=de knowing that those translations are not really reliable and work from there with changing and correcting. So this is what I'll do with them on Friday after the question game.This way I'll have all of them at the same stage by Friday and kids with longer texts are not punished with more translating work. I'm planing to decode the texts for them so they know exactly which of their German sentences turned out to what kind of English sentences...

So my plans till the winter break are (very briefly) about the following: I know it's getting a little crowded with all those presentations but they won't take more than 5 minutes each. But 20 minutes plus Active Reading + Questions is pretty much but I'll change that when I see that it's not working.
For some reason I cannot write underneath the table chart I inserted, but this it where it should be... It's at the end of the blog...

I want them to have the recorded text for at least 2 weeks before they have their presentation so I'll have a pretty tough week from Monday to Friday and I hope I can get all those things done. But somehow it always works ;-)

The last day of school, I'll let the class do another Oxford YLPT like I did at the beginning of the year to be able to see if they have improved their English skills. I'll go on with my English teaching the way I started it, but I'll have to get my Bachelor Thesis finished. So I'll stop writing such a detailed blog after winter break and start putting it all together.

Th 7. January
Finishing German text
Fr 8. January
Google Translation
Mo 11. January
Working on English text – Handing them in.
Fr 15. January
Creating Factsheet about Animal – Unit 2 - Giving back the texts incl. decoding, incl. MP3 recording...
Mo 18. January
Unit 2
Fr 22. January
Unit 2
Mo 25. January
Unit 2
Fr 29. January
Unit 2 Test
Mo 1. February
4 Presentations / Active Reading Unit 3
Th 4. February
4 Presentations
Fr 5. February
4 Presentations / Active Reading Unit 3
Mo 8. February
Question Test
Th 11. February
4 Presentations
Fr 12. February
Young Learners Placement Test 2