Monday 26 October 2015

Analysis of the questionnaire

This is my first post after a long time. This autumn brake turned out to be so different from what I had expected. The first week I spend searching for an au-pair that would like to come to Switzerland to stay with us and I made about a thousand phone calls to figure out how this all works here. My best friend got her baby, the twins enjoyed her mom being home and so one. And then by the end of the holiday I got this terrible frontal sinus infection that put be in bed without being able to even look into a computer... I'm still ill but better. Now I have a cough and a weird stomach but I'll survive...
I will be able to make up the three misses English lessons - so there will be a lot to write about shortly...

But now I want to write my reflection about the Rainbow Serpent Reading Project.
First I would like to share the answers to my questionnaire:

The one that didn't like is one of the best in class and in the open questions he wrote, that he got kind of bored, reading the same story over and over again.
For the second question I didn't make a diagram since all students said, that they have never practised reading out loud like this before.

What was surprising here was, that one of the kids that thought it was too little time had a grade 6 (A) and the other one a 4 (C). And one who was not very satisfied with the outcome thought it was too much time.

This probably was not the smartest question I asked... I actually just had one boy in mind that might say that he didn't take it serious... I could have done without this question.

Well, the two boys saying that they didn't really use the time in class were in the same group and always volunteered to go to the separate room... They must have goofed off a lot in there... Well but actually, they did great when they read their texts, so it must have been too easy for them as well.

Here, the one boy that didn't practise at home was one of the best readers. AND the one that said he didn't really like this project because it became boring. The two who practises a lot are the two the other teachers were surprised the most about their performance.

One of the three who said, that he wasn't satisfied with he outcome is the boy who had a 5.5 (A-B) even though he's freed of learning targets in most the subjects, so he's probably just very critical with himself. He could be more than satisfied with his reading. He did fantastic. The two others were two who said they could have practised more.

So these were my questions but I get so much more out of the open questions I asked at the bottom of the page:

What did you like most about this reading project?
  • The MP3-listening in class (9)
  • That they have gotten a CD (2)
  • That it was something different (1)
  • Understanding all the words and knowing how to pronounce them (1)
  • Not having to study vocabulary (1)
What did you like the least about this reading project?
  • Rather boring stories (5)
  • Reading in front of the class (4)
  • Nothing (4)
  • Always reading the same text (1)
  • The audio book was read too slowly (1)
  • Uncomfortable earphones (1)
What do you like the most about our English lessons?
  • The MP3-listening (5)
  • The songs (3)
  • That it's different form just going through the Young World (2)
  • Reading along the audio (1)
  • Working in groups (1)
  • The new method (1)
  • Learning a foreign language - I want to speak it perfectly one day (1)
  • I like all of it (1)
What do you like the least about our English lessons?
  • Nothing (9)
  • Listening to "shopping for a school camp" so often (2)
  • It's sometimes hard to understand everything you say (2)
  • The good morning conversation (1)
  • Translate each and every word (1) 
Well the last four questions give me so much more insight in what the students liked or didn't like. That's worth so much more than just knowing how many of them "liked" the project. And I'm pretty sure that many answers are true for many of them... I shouldn't have asked for the best and the worst but for the five things they liked the most and the five things they liked the least... So this was my little reflection to the questionnaire... My reflection to the whole project will be in a separate post. 


  1. Hi! So in the final paper, you do not have to include the things that did not really provide you with information (so filter this and don't present it all). But it is insightful and it does help you plan your instruction for the next lessons!! And it gives you some insight into the Birkenbihl method - some kids did not like translating every word or repeating the same texts!!

    1. Hey Laura
      Thank you for your reply. Yes these answers made me think... So tomorrow I'l give them a sheet of paper with those answers I got and ask them to tick off the ones that apply to them as well. Because yes, some did not like it but others wrote, they liked this new method, that it's different, that they know all the words and know how pronounce them or that they don't have anything to complain about. So I really want to know, if it's just the two of them or if more feel this way. That's why I wrote I should have asked them for more than just "the best" and "the worst".
      Oh I'm looking so forward going back to school tomorrow!
      See you soon.
      Best regards
